17th Annual Perry Rotary Bass Fishing Tournament

Perry Roary's 17th Annual Bass Fishing Tournament is coming up on April 13. If you would be interested in participating as a fishing team, sponsor, or would like to donate a raffel item please see the information below. 
Perry Roary's 17th Annual Bass Fishing Tournament is coming up on April 13. If you would be interested in participating as a fishing team, sponsor, or would like to donate a raffel item please see the information below. This is the Perry Roatry Club's largest fundraiser which helps fund all of our projects through out the year. 



Please email Phillip Moore, Jim Sexton, Penny Byrd, Glenn Smith, or George Peake with any questions you may have.  You may contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]