An Open Invitation

Please take plenty of time to browse this website, as well as the websites of our local District 7620, and of Rotary International. We think you will be impressed, but perhaps also a little overwhelmed. How can a few people meeting for just a few hours a month accomplish all of these things?


Each Rotary Club - including ours - is shaped by the personalities of its members. And we partner with other Rotarians around the world to get things done. So the time we spend together is really quite relaxed and enjoyable, but we find ways to make even our fun productive! One small example: each full meeting we share with each other about reasons we have to be happy and thankful since the past meeting. We contribute "Happy Dollars" to a community emergency fund for every story we share.

So please look around, but you won't really understand what we are all about until you come and visit. EVERY meeting is open to guests, and we have a standing policy of never charging a guest for dinner on his or her first visit. We think you will want to come back for addtional visits, and hope that eventually you will find time in your week to meet with us. Even if you can't join, if our ideals and goals seem worthwhile to you, we really want to meet you! What more can we do than extend a warm, open invitation, and buy you dinner! COME VISIT!