Loganville Rotary Generates Thousands to Eradicate Polio
In November, a few members took up the challenge to raise funds for the Rotary International Challenge to eradicate polio. While some were skeptical of the timing, a persistent few (Jenifer & Mike) pushed to get it done.

What started as an email became a donation that will become $6,240 to support the global eradication of Polio.

Here's how...

Club members contributed $820.
We received $220 from non-members, they're called friends, that supported the cause.
The club did a match of $1,040

In total the club donated $2,080.

What wasn't known by all when started but apparent at the end was that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation offer a 2:1 match on all Rotary International funds to erase polio. So the $2,080 became $5,160 from the Gates Foundation and there you have it. $6,240 raised in one month because of some persistent and positive thinking members.

Great job!