Rotary Officer Installation 2023

The Rotary Club of Spartanburg inducted its new officers on Tuesday, July 11 at the Piedmont Club. The roster included: Coby Cartrette Hennecy (President), Louis J. Smith (President-Elect), Lindsay G. Dawkins, Scott R. Girouard, Ross H. Hammond, Cindy Hughes, Bhargava Kondaveeti, William J. Marcus, Jr., Chip McLeod, James J. Rohrer, Tammy E. Whaley, William Joseph Gray (Immediate Past President).

Coby Cartrette Hennecy, CPA, CFRE is the 107th President of the Rotary Club of Spartanburg and only its third female president. Coby has served six years on the Club’s Board of Directors. She is the Executive Director of the ETV Endowment of South Carolina and is also involved with other charitable organizations and her church, Church at the Mill. She is the mother of three children, Cole, Caroline and Carter.

“I am honored and count it a great privilege to lead the Rotary Club of Spartanburg. Our Club’s impact spans from Spartanburg, SC, to areas around the globe, and I couldn’t be more excited to be a part of this great organization of men and women making a difference in our community and world. My goals are to present outstanding speakers, increase foundation giving and foster relationships among our members. Relationships and networking were central to Paul Harris’ mission when he founded Rotary in 1905.”

Outgoing President William Gray says, “I want to express my gratitude for being allowed to lead our Club. This experience has been surprisingly fun and I’m going to miss holding the gavel every week! Our membership has made this an amazing Club and I get the benefit of sitting up here and having the “President” title, but my weekly lift was made easy by being surrounded by amazing Rotarians. This is was makes a successful Rotary Club and a fun presidency. It isn’t the person leading the meeting, it’s the incredible people who embody service above self.”

Former President Cindy Kelly says, “The Rotary Club of Spartanburg is welcoming, informative and fun! Our programming is excellent, and there are many networking opportunities. We are an inclusive, diversified organization committed to being the change in the world. To quote our founder Paul Harris, ‘Rotary changes us and those we serve. I believe we can change the world one life at a time.’

Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. The Rotary Club of Spartanburg provides both voluntary and financial support for a number of service, educational and humanitarian efforts. Rotary club membership represents a cross-section of the community's business and professional men and women. Learn more: