Operation Rally Point

On November 17, 2022 we hosted Brandon Watts of Operation Rally Point at a club meeting to present a donation. We had met Brandon at an earlier meeting with member Charmelle who brought him as a speaker. Brandon's organization supports veterans in distress.



When you visit the website (https://oprallypoint.org/) you can learn the following about Operation Rally Point:

Why We Do It

We provide our support services to give Veterans the assistance they require. Our team performs our mission to give Veterans a chance to be successful and happy.

What We Do

For Veterans and families in crisis, we provide immediate lodging to relieve the burden due to their unique circumstances. We assess each Veteran on an individual basis to triage their needs and help them on the road to self-sufficiency.

How We Do It

The big difference between other Veterans’ organizations and us is that we can act immediately when Veterans need us. We are not burdened by the bureaucracy of the government and larger organizations.

Recently, we caught up with Brandon to understand how the funding has benefited Operation Rally Point. He shared that the donation supports the lease of their residences which are used as temporary housing for the veterans. In the past, they were dependent on short-term-stay hotels. This lodging was sometimes a challenge with capacity and the living conditions of the veterans and their families.

You can learn more about the club at https://www.loganvillerotary.org/ or visit us on Thursday mornings at 7:15 at the IHOP in Loganville. We welcome visitors.