What Rotary Means To Me

As a proud Rotarian of one year, this is what Rotary means to me.

It’s difficult to concisely explain what being a Rotarian means to me. This is because the reputation of Rotary International precedes itself. For over a century, Rotary has continually made a considerable impact on the lives of millions of individuals around the world, most notably in its efforts to globally eradicate polio. It is phenomenal that over one million Rotarians around the world today continue to build on the legacy of this century-old organization!

Yet, despite its immense influence on a global scale, Rotary also enables you to make a difference in your local community. As someone who has lived in Loganville for my entire life, I am embarrassed to admit that, before I joined the Rotary Club of Loganville, I was unaware of what was happening in my community. However, joining your local Rotary club not only provides you with an instant stream of information and contacts relevant to your community, but more importantly, provides avenues for you to make your own contributions to the improvement of your community.

While being a Rotarian is unquestionably an honor, it is also true that to whom much is given, much is expected. It should be no surprise that an organization as successful as Rotary International demands its members be as involved and dedicated to achieving its mission as its founders. While some may initially join Rotary to make connections or learn more about their communities, Rotarians stay in Rotary once they realize the significant impact that they are having on their communities and the world at-large. As one becomes more involved in Rotary, whether by serving as a club officer or completing service projects, they realize how meaningful the work of Rotary truly is. Ultimately, being a Rotarian means putting “service above self,” and falling in love with work that improves the lives of those who were not dealt a fair hand in life.

As a proud Rotarian of one year, that is what Rotary means to me.