Member Spotlight - Jeimy Arias

We are happy to spotlight Coach Jeimy Arias who has been a member of the Loganville Rotary for nearly two years. as the owner of Coach Jeimy Business and Leadership Services, she has found the club to be a great way to grow her network with people that have passion for our mission.

In just a few years, Jeimy has had several powerful experiences. Her first major experience was when we supported a father and son confided to a wheelchair. Secondly, she was instrumental in assisting a family that moved from NY by helping them furnish their entire house. Recently, she returned from Papau New Guinea, where she represented our club.

Because of these many experiences, Jeimy gets excited about seeing how the club impacts the community as well as each other's business and personal lives.

If you want to meet Jeimy and all the other powerful business owners in the club you can visit us each Thursday at 7:15 AM at the IHOP in Loganville. Also, be on the lookout for our club happy hours the 3rd Thursday of each month. Locations vary so see the club calendar on this page.