We are an inclusive group of generous, inquisitive, engaged, supportive individuals committed to service and we have fun doing it.  Inclusive can include you.

Rotary International Mission Statement
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Our club is gender inclusive, culturally, socioeconomically, and ethnically diverse, and multigenerational.  What brings us together is our commitment to making the world a better place through service and philanthropy.  As of March, 2020, our meetings are held remotely via Zoom software.  When we can meet again it will be at the Davis Restaurant, 94 W. Broadway, Eugene, OR 97401.  There is no cover charge; members order food and drink to their taste and budget at the bar on their way in.  Some members gather afterwards for socialization and another glass of wine.  Come visit via Zoom or later at the Davis; you are welcome.